Expert or Bust!

September 26, 2010 at 9:02 am (Uncategorized) (, , , , )

Well this is going to be the first content post since the re-up and my subject, Guitar Hero and Rock band.

We’ve all played it, or at least heard about, this infamous duo of rhythm games, but are we all expert level players? The answer is simply no, but somehow it always seems when the makeshift band set comes out everyone is an expert. If you’re not an expert you just dodge the, “do you play” question and just fade to the back. The question is pose is why?Why do you hold back the desire to rock and look ridiculous and awesome at once?

Before the elitist there was Guitar Hero

The answer is there are too many Guitar Hero/ Rock Band games! It seems like if you didn’t get on the wagon early you can’t hop on it now. Do you remember when rocking out with a group of friends on easy or medium was cool? Now it seems like if you are not serious about your Rock Band you can’t just get in there.

The solution? Everyone should just get to expert status. Who cares if you are trying too hard at a game to have fun, at least you look awesome to everyone in the room! Right? No! The REAL solution is everyone needs to chill out about their rhythm games. Have fun with friends and more importantly have fun with the game.

My name is Femi Olanubi and i proudly rock on Medium!

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